The Office of the Regulator is Samoa's Regulator for the telecommunications, broadcasting, postal and electricity sectors.
The Organisation was established in 2006 under the Telecommunications Act 2005 to provide regulatory services for the telecommunications sector in Samoa. However, the Broadcasting, Postal Services and Electricity Acts 2010 were subsequently approved by Parliament, which also provide regulatory framework for these sectors.
Our Vision
A connected, safe and secure Samoa.
Our Mission
OOTR engages with consumers and the industry to improve availability, accessibility and affordability of services, by applying the legal framework.
Organisational Structure
The Office of the Regulator has an approved establishment (including the position of the Regulator) of 22 positions organized into five divisions.
1. Regulatory & Consumer Services undertakes regulatory oversight, market analysis and consumer affairs functions in the sectors within the mandate of the organisation. For these sectors, the responsibilities of the division include overseeing licensee compliance, market monitoring, managing issues arising from anti-competitive behaviour, price regulation, access and interconnection, consumer complaint resolution, quality of service and universal access.
2. Electricity Division responsible for electricity industry licensing, electricity tariff determination, establishing and monitoring electricity technical standards, and developing and enforcing appropriate electricity sector regulations.
3. Spectrum & Technical Services undertakes all spectrum management and technical duties of the organisation associated with the communications sector, including the monitoring of spectrum usage, interference complaints management, equipment type approval and numbering management.
4. Corporate Services provides support in administration, finance, human resource and other corporate services to the Office.
5. Legal ensures that the legal requirements in the various legislation are complied with and provides legal advice on all matters relating to the Office.
The Organisation Structure is depicted below:
Specific Contact Information: |
Contact Us |
Electricity Division:
Mrs. Temukisa Tuilaepa
Acting-ACEO-Electricity Sector
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Spectrum & Technical Services:
Mr. Su'a Aulaga Faumuina
ACEO-Spectrum & Technical Services
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Corporate Services:
Miss Gasu Vanessa Tanuvasa
ACEO-Corporate Services
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Legal Division:
Ms. Li'ofa'avaivaiomanu Angeline Seiuli
ACEO-Legal Division
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regulatory & Consumer Services:
Mrs. Lemalu Venus Iosefa
ACEO-Regulatory & Consumer Services
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please address all correspondences to: Regulator Office of the Regulator MKR Apartments, Savalalo Apia Samoa Postal Address: Private Bag, Apia, Samoa Telephone number: +685 30282 Facsimile number: +685 30281 General Enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |