
1. Awareness Program in Secondary Schools/Colleges on "ONLINE SAFETY AWARENESS CAMPAIGN."  The awareness program starts on the 11th September 2017 - 15th September 2017 for  Upolu Colleges,  18th September 2017 - 20th September 2017 for Savaii Colleges. Click the Online Safety Awareness Campaign to view handouts and posters.


2. Consultation on EPC's proposal on Multi Year Tariff - Annual Review

Click here to view Issue Paper on EPC Proposal

Upolu Monday 17th July 2017 - 10am

TATTE Building

  Monday 17th July 2017 - 1pm

TATTE Building

  Monday 17th July 2017 - 5pm Vailima Breweries Headquarters

Wed 19th July 2017 - 10am

Auala EFKS Hall
  Thursday 20th July 2017 - 10am Apita o Pitaga Hall Salelologa

3. Consultation on the Draft Type Approval Rules

The Office of the Regulator has completed the draft Radio Equipment, Technical Standards and Type Approval Rules for Telecommunications Sector. As per our normal process, we wish to involve all stakeholders in the finalisation of the draft rules. Please submit your comments to the Office of the Regulator by Friday 28th July 2017. Click here to view Draft Rules.


CTO Meeting [Samoa] - Broadband Pacific Forum  25-27 July 2017 TATTE

PIRRC Mid Term Review [Fiji] - USP Fiji